Задля сталого розвитку сьогодні й завтра: Ми робимо з деревини більше.
Група компаній EGGER — це провідний міжнародний виробник деревних матеріалів. Заснована в 1961 році, сьогодні компанія є постачальником комплексних рішень для меблів і внутрішнього оздоблення, дерев'яних конструкцій і покриттів для підлоги із деревних матеріалів. У нас є виробничі майданчики, офіси з продажу та понад 11 000 працівників у всьому світі.
Актуальні прес-релізи
EGGER Group obtains outstanding awards for its sustainability performance
Sustainable management is a key aspiration for the EGGER Group. The wood-based material manufacturer was once again able to reaffirm this stance: The family company has achieved a remarkable improvement in its sustainability performance in two renowned sustainability ratings. For the first time, EGGER has been awarded the coveted EcoVadis Gold Medal.
EGGER Group reports stable development in a difficult context at the end of the first half-year
The EGGER Group, headquartered in St. Johann in Tirol (AT), closed the first half of its 2024/2025 financial year (reporting date 31 October 2024) with consolidated sales of EUR 2.1 billion (–0.2 % as compared to the previous year). Despite the challenging market environment, the wood-based material manufacturer is able to report a stable development in the first half of 2024/2025 and, against this backdrop, can draw a quite satisfying conclusion.
EGGER Group closes financial year with a turnover of EUR 4.13 billion in challenging times
The turbulent overall economic environment is also challenging for the international wood-based material manufacturer. Nevertheless, strategic milestones in growth and climate protection have been reached. The turbulent overall economic environment is also challenging for the international wood-based material manufacturer. Nevertheless, strategic milestones in growth and climate protection have been reached.
EGGER Group takes next steps on the way to Net Zero
The family company is wasting no time in implementing its commitment to climate protection.
Календар заходів
Щорічна прес-конференція 2025 р.
Контактні дані для ЗМІ
Прес-релізи про компанію EGGER
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