Efficiency – Data security - Intelligence

EDI is the automated interchange of business documents (e.g. purchase orders, order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices) between two IT systems without human intervention. This way of direct communication enables high process automation to quickly and electronically interchange business information between different systems.

1. Purchase Order

  • Reduction of input errors
    The data you have sent us is imported into the system without any changes.

  • No loss of data
    Purchase orders do not get lost.

  • Reduction of coordination costs
    No questions required, no misunderstandings.

  • Quicker processing times
    EDI purchase orders are directly imported into our system and may be processed with priority and more efficiently.

Purchase order
Order confirmation

2. Order Confirmation

  • Automatic adjustment between order confirmation and purchase order
    Person in charge can identify any relevant differences through workflows.
  • Correct order confirmations are automatically posted to the purchase order
    80% of order confirmations do not need to be further processed.
  • Report of purchase orders with missing order confirmations
    Purchase orders with missing order confirmations can be identified with reports.
  • Reduction of coordination costs
    Price in the order confirmation corresponds to the price of the invoice, price deviations compared to the purchase order are detected at an early stage which avoids the efforts for complaints.

3. Delivery Note

  • Advance information on arriving goods
    Advance information allows optimised management of storage locations and production planning.

Delivery Note

4. Invoice

  • Automatic adjustment between invoice and purchase order
    Person in charge can identify any relevant differences through workflows.
  • Correct invoices are automatically posted to the purchase order
    80% of invoices do not need to be further processed.
  • Saving time and costs through reduction of administrative efforts
    Incoming mail and distribution, scanning of paper documents, storage, manual entries.
  • Environmental awareness
    Significant reduction of paper consumption.