Everyone has different strengths. Strengths that should be discovered and developed, this is where our talent management can help. Lisa Randl (Project Manager) answers the important questions:

It’s our goal to grow together, each one of us contributes to our development. EGGER Talent Management makes it visible.


What does Talent Management Entail?

Lisa Randl:

We support our employees in their professional as well as in their personal development. A good tool for this is our Talent Management. We ensure a goal-oriented communication between employees and managers. The discussions take place on an ongoing basis - so the employee's development becomes an issue all year round. In addition, an up-to-date job description provides additional clarity about the goals and strengths of each individual employee.


What are the advantages of EGGER Talent Management?

Lisa Randl:

We want to give our employees the opportunity to help shape their own development. Orientation is provided by a current job description which outlines what is expected of each individual and which measures could be helpful for further development. The appraisal interview is an exchange between employee and manager, it clarifies which goals are being pursued and where everyone can bring in their strengths.


What does the appraisal interview cover?

Lisa Randl:

The appraisal interview covers agreed goals and targets, competence management and job satisfaction topics. In addition, our employees can help shape their development here. They can indicate whether and where they want to develop or which measures they want to take for their own development. In doing so, we want to grow even more from within our own ranks and have succession arrangements or be able to determine high potential for new tasks at an early stage.

Lisa Randl - Talent Management Project Manager

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