Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability and environmental protection plays a key role everywhere today. Anyone who builds with wood, is making an important contribution to environmental protection. Among other things, wood grows back in just a few decades, serves as a carbon storage and ensures a healthy indoor climate. In this way, we are also making a contribution to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations.

Renewable resource wood: EGGER sustainability indicators

The figures of our sustainability indicators are updated annually. They make the environmental performance of each individual product transparent and easy to understand and can be found in the building products section of the EGGER website, under "More transparency" for the respective product.

Carbon storage product wood: Environmental product declarations

We have recently updated the "EPD"  (Environmental Product Declaration) of our DHF underlay board. Our environmental product declarations enable you to determine the environmental contribution of EGGER building products. This reliable database gives you more clarity and control when comparing different products and construction methods.

Green building and healthy living with our building products