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(approx. 2.311 x 1.300 mm)

(approx. 297 x 167 mm)

Colour and character

The H3157 Vicenza Oak is an elegant oak with a natural linear grain, which allows it to be an oak alternative in timeless designs. The discreet colour play and the slight grey content give the decor a very modern appearance. In addition, the ST12 Omnipore Matt surface texture provides the decor with even more naturalness. In the EGGER Interior Match, this decor matches the colour of EPL200 and EPL 179 laminate flooring from the EGGER PRO Flooring Collection 2021+.

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Case Studies

The Vicenza Oak decor was used throughout the house in various areas and applications.

The facets of contemporary naturalness

An all-rounder that meets all requirements.

The Vicenza Oak decor was used throughout the house in various areas and applications.

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Please note that the NCS, RAL and Pantone reference given is the closest available, not necessarily an exact match.

A comparison with an actual sample is recommended. The stars indicate the quality of the colour match. *: close colour match, ** and ***: good colour match, **** and *****: very good colour match.

Note: All decors shown and mentioned are reproductions. Colour-matching decor selection only possible on the original sample.