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(approx. 2.311 x 1.300 mm)

(approx. 297 x 167 mm)

Colour and character

Authenticity and naturalness go hand in hand with a new simplicity in the wood segment. Casella Oak shows a naturally elegant floret pattern in a soft but differentiated colour play that allows for many flowing and modern colour combinations. The ST40 Feelwood Oakgrain surface texture traces this character with a synchronised matt-in-matt pore. This creates the amazingly realistic character of an oiled veneer. The H1367 Light Natural Casella Oak is the rather light natural character in this decor series.

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Case Studies

The remodelling of the "Egger's" café has been created with the new "Platzl" a happy place for locals and guests.

Happy place for locals and guests

Café - Restaurant - Lounge on the main square of St. Johann i. T.

The remodelling of the "Egger's" café has been created with the new "Platzl" a happy place for locals and guests.

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Please note that the NCS, RAL and Pantone reference given is the closest available, not necessarily an exact match.

A comparison with an actual sample is recommended. The stars indicate the quality of the colour match. *: close colour match, ** and ***: good colour match, **** and *****: very good colour match.

Note: All decors shown and mentioned are reproductions. Colour-matching decor selection only possible on the original sample.