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(approx. 2.311 x 1.300 mm)

(approx. 297 x 167 mm)

Colour and character

The decor F226 Sand Beige Titanite is the lightest colour variant in this sandstone series. It has a very authentic effect due to its agitated, large-format appearance. The warm and soft colour gradient between cool grey and brown makes many combinations possible. The alternation of matt and shiny areas in the ST78 Mineral Granite surface texture makes the character even more authentic with a striking feel.

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Please note that the NCS, RAL and Pantone reference given is the closest available, not necessarily an exact match.

A comparison with an actual sample is recommended. The stars indicate the quality of the colour match. *: close colour match, ** and ***: good colour match, **** and *****: very good colour match.

Note: All decors shown and mentioned are reproductions. Colour-matching decor selection only possible on the original sample.